Educate a girl, empower a woman, inspire a community, change lives!

Adding Commonwealth Girls Education Fund (CGEF) to your will is a wonderful way to leave a legacy and impact the lives of special girls, their families and their communities across the Commonwealth.


The gift of education is cherished by all of the girls sponsored by the CGEF and the benefits of attending secondary school reverberate across generations and geographies.  

If you plan to make a special legacy gift to the CGEF,  please let us know, in confidence by contacting:

Mrs Roxanne St Clair at

Legacy giving enables the CGEF to plan confidently about sponsoring girls into the future. 

We thank you for your thoughtfulness.

What does CGEF mean by legacy giving?

The act of making a financial commitment to the CGEF over time or at death as part of an individual’s financial and estate planning i.e. a simple bequest to leave money to the CGEF.

What can a bequest mean for the CGEF?

  1. Ensure continued funding of girls in secondary schools across the Commonwealth by contributing to both direct sponsorship costs and CGEF administration costs.
  2. Significant bequests can support development of new initiatives or projects that further the work of the CGEF.

What the CGEF will not do:

  1. Give specific advice to individuals, especially in a 1:1 conversation or give any
  2. Provide names of lawyers/financial advisors to approach – donors must arrange all gifts with their own family and/or financial advisor